Memories of Ann Gagliardi
It was an exciting time. Julie Wade had decided Bologna needed an association for anglophone women, and she set out to find them: amazing, independent
Memories of Joanne Maloney
My part for the Guidebook was preparatory and mainly “behind the scenes”. I had been living in Bologna with my Italian husband for almost 20
Memories of Julie Wade
The exact details about how the guidebook came about are fuzzy, but the excitement around the initial idea is still fresh in my memory. I
Memories of Sally Potestio Hudson
The origins of Bologna Inside was a confluence of events that unfolded in 1998. The spring of that year brought together a small core of
Contributors to the first edition of Bologna Inside
Claire Adam | Maribel Agullò | Julie Angelos |Anayansi Arias | Lucy Bannerman | Lisa Barker | Jenny Bateman | Nance Billington | Janie Birchman Cohn | Denay Bisceglie | Michela Borgatti | Carmen Bryan | Adriana Cantisani | Ella Carpenter | Debra Christie | Angelica Ciampi | Maria Cromwell | Julia Culver-Hopper | Natasha Eldridge | Tracy Fairplay | Ann Gagliardi | Pollyanne Galpin | Elizabeth Garvey | Raffaelle Hagan | Monica Hanna | Lindsay Hill | Ruth Hodkinson | Sally Hudson | Eline de Kat | Peggy Kidney | Hae Kyung | Angela Lorenz | Merja Mäkelä | Joanne Maloney | Rita Mandrioli | Mary Tolaro Noyes | Susan Orr | Rossalba di Raimondo | Irene Robbins | Alma Rodgriguez | Rachel Roe |Andrea Shemberg | Lisa Strickland | Felicia Taylor | Annie Ware | Suzanne Werson | Simone Zerial | Federico Fabbri | Karl Webster
Launch of the guidebook in 2006

Contributor to the second edition
Project Director
IWF President 2004-2006
Assessora alla Cultura e Pari Opportunità della Provincia di Bologna
Councilwoman for Culture and Equal Opportunity of the Province of Bologna
Contributor to the second edition
IWF member
Memories of Andrea Vogt
I moved to Bologna in 2002 and joined the International Women’s Forum shortly thereafter. At my first meeting, I met both Kathryn Knowles and Susannah
Memories of Elizabeth Garvey
Taking the portraits for the second guidebook was just as fun as it was for the first edition – the photos seemed to “take themselves”.
Contributors to the second edition of Bologna Inside
Kristi Bailey | Catherine Blundell | Kim Brown | Rachel Burgess | Claudia Calzati | Eva Cantwell | Maria Cromwell | Tracy Fairplay | Lisa Gelhaus | Jill Janzen | Stephanie Jurs | Kathryn Knowles | Pauline Mollema | Christine Ricci | Audrey Saracco | Carol Sicbaldi | Alexa Sinel | Marianne van Buuren | Nina Vellucci | Andrea Vogt | Jennifer White
In the news
Bologna Inside, la guida in inglese per donne straniere che vivono in città
Corriere di Bologna, 28 November 2021
Contributors to the third edition of Bologna Inside
Cynthia Andras | Ann Gagliardi | Elizabeth Garvey | Heather Hammond | Una Jones | Silvia Lolli | Joanne Nora Maloney | Hannah Pfanzelt | Rachel Pinto | Sally Potestio Hudson | Christine Ricci | Stephanie Sinclair | Susanna Tassinari | Mary Thum | Maria Luisa Venezia | Andrea Vogt | Julie Wade
Get in touch!
We will be updating our Bologna Inside guide periodically and would love to include your feedback. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please write them here.