Residence & Paperwork

INIDVIDUAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Getting a codice fiscale (individual tax identification number) is just about the easiest thing you’ll ever have to do here, which is good, as you need it for anything having to do with money, including getting paid legally and opening a bank account. Go to the Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Office) […]

Most Italians have only one given first name and one given last name that appear in passports and other documents. If you have a middle name, you will legally have to use it on any official document, in addition to your first and last name. Be consistent because even the slightest variation on documents can […]
Resources for LGBTI+

The LGBTI+ association Il Cassero is the best starting point for getting oriented with the city’s LGBTI+ culture. As well as being an archive and center for political action, Il Cassero hosts cultural events and is a beautiful and lively night spot. Il Cassero via Don Minzoni 18 Tel. 051.0957200 Email: For opening […]
Learning Italian

The city of Bologna offers free Italian classes to foreigners with a valid permesso di soggiorno (a temporary residency permit for stays in Italy longer than 3 months). Participants are required to take a placement test and most courses meet twice a week. Depending on the teacher, you may be asked to purchase course materials. […]

ROMAN CATHOLIC The principal religion in Bologna, as in the rest of Italy, is Roman Catholicism. The city is divided into parishes by street address and you are automatically considered a member of a parish once you move into a neighborhood. You may even receive the church bulletin in your mailbox whether or not you […]
Plugging in with People

Newcomers to Bologna occasionally find it difficult to make friends in the beginning. The Bolognese can be reserved and they take some time to warm up to new faces. Many of them grew up here, so don’t be surprised when you meet groups of friends who have been hanging out together since elementary school. Taking […]

You can reach any emergency service using 112 (the single European emergency number for the Universal European Emergency Services), including the police, emergency medical services and the fire department. You can also call these direct emergency numbers: 112 carabinieri (national army police) 113 polizia (local police) 115 vigili del fuoco (fire department) 118 ambulanza (health […]
City Neighborhoods

Bologna is currently divided into six quartieri (neighborhoods or administrative districts). There are municipal offices in each area, called sede del quartiere (neighborhood office), where you can take care of administrative issues such as becoming a resident, signing your child up for school, or obtaining a particular certificate. Most of these offices have their own URP (Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico) where you can […]
Getting Your Bearings

The Commune (municipality) of Bologna’s central Ufficio Relazioni per il Pubblico (Office of Public Relations), commonly referred to as the URP, is located in Bologna’s main piazza (plaza), Piazza Maggiore. Make this your first stop for answers to questions about administrative procedures. If the staff can’t answer your questions, they will refer you to someone […]