Getting a codice fiscale (individual tax identification number) is just about the easiest thing you’ll ever have to do here, which is good, as you need it for anything having to do with money, including getting paid legally and opening a bank account. Go to the Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Office) nearest to you with your passport and/or permesso di soggiorno. For more information, check this website (in English).
Agenzia delle Entrate
Via Marco Polo 60
Tel. 051.6103111
You need to become a resident to sign up your child for school and get official working papers, among other things. If you’ve changed your residence, you should also register within 20 days through an office in your quartiere called the Ufficio Anagrafe (vital statistics office).
One or two weeks after you have applied to become a resident (and up to 45 days after), the police will stop by the address listed on your application to verify that you really do live where you said. Put your name by the doorbell, even with a temporary sticker, so they know where to ring. If you’re not at home, they will leave a postcard to let you know that they will return.
EU citizens use their carta d’identità (identification card) to travel from one EU country to another. Non-EU citizens who become official residents are not granted this privilege, but the identification card is still a very handy document to have. Anyone who asks you for identification will recognize it immediately. Get the identity card at your local anagrafe. In Italy, you are required to carry identification with you at all times, and if you don’t want to carry your passport, you should at least have your carta d’identità. If you are stopped randomly by the authorities (which does happen on the Italian roadways) they immediately ask for this document. Foreigners must also carry a copy of their permesso di soggiorno.
New Italian ID cards are issued in electronic format and require your biometric data (fingerprints). More information can be found here.
SPID (Public Digital Identity System)
The Public Digital Identity System (SPID) is a digital identity consisting of personal credentials (username and password), with which it is possible to access online services of the public administration and private members and it is increasingly difficult to access public services (e.g. open your online Health File – Fascicolo Sanitario) without it. You can request it through your local Post Office or online through various providers. Check this useful FAQ page for more information.
PEC (Posta elettronica certificata or Electronic Certified Mail)
This system is increasingly used to apply for documents, apply for a job or send the equivalent of a formal recommended letter. To request it, check the website here.