Bologna’s home team, FC Bologna, was founded in 1909. Games are played in the center of the city at Stadio Renato Dallara (formerly Stadio Comunale), a stadium that seats nearly 40,000 spectators. You can buy tickets to matches directly at the biglietteria (ticket office) in Piazza della Pace in front of the stadium, through the offices of the Centro Coordinamento Bologna Clubs (Bologna Clubs Coordination Center), or at any Carisbo San Paolo branch during banking hours.
Centro Coordinamento Bologna Clubs
Stadio Renato Dallara (
via Andrea Costa 71
Tel. 051.6142215
Basketball is very popular in Bologna, where the city’s two professional teams, Virtus and Fortitudo, provoke strong loyalties among their fans. Although the Italian word for the sport is actually pallacanestro, just about everyone refers to it as ‘basket’. Regular season hoops run from October to May.
Piazza M. Azzarita 8
Fortitudo has traditionally played at PalaDozza, an arena that seats 5,700 spectators. Not far, at Via San Felice 103/a, you can find the Fortitudo Point, the team’s merchandising shop. Check the website for ticket information.
via dell’Arcoveggio 49/2
Tel. 051.4155911
Virtus games are also played at PalaDozza. Tickets for games may be purchased directly from the Virtus office or at the arena. Check the website for ticket information.
Bologna’s most important baseball team is Fortitudo BC, on the scene since 1953. Baseball is played from April to September and Fortitudo’s home field is Stadio Gianni Falchi. Check the website for ticket information.
Fortitudo Baseball Bologna
Piazzale Atleti Azzurri d’Italia
Tel. 051.479618
For a really incredible experience you can watch Bologna’s baseball team for the blind, the White Sox, one of six Italian teams supported by AIBXC – Associazione Italiana Baseball per Cechi. The game is played like regular baseball, but with a special ball that makes different noises based on how it moves through the air. Two seeing players help give directions behind second and third base. You can watch games at the Stadio Lioni in Casteldebole from June to October.